The SFCA Board of Education is committed to providing a strong education that is coupled with emphasis on God and learning His Word. The Board is dedicated to providing students the opportunity to reach their highest potential by empowering staff to foster knowledge, skills, and spiritual guidance to be light in a dark world.
The Board of Education for Seeds of Faith Christian Academy thanks all families, staff, faculty and friends of SFCA for their support. Please keep us in prayer and contact us as the Lord leads. We’re in this together.
Seeds of Faith Christian Academy
Board of Education
2024-2025 School Year
Sam Shirley, Board Chair
Rev. Dr. Marv Nelson, Vice Chair
Kelsey Dietrich, Secretary
Jackie Bottles
Jill Metcalf
Stephen Boring
If you wish to send a collective message to the board or would like to be added to the agenda for open discussion, you can do so by emailing
SFCA is a nonprofit, 501 C(3) corporation and is governed by at least a three (3) member Board of Directors. The Board has ultimate responsibility for the school. It establishes the mission and vision of SFCA, develops the operating policies, assesses the performance of the school in all areas and is responsible for the school’s financial condition. The Board delegates authority to the Principal of the school for all school operations and for implementing Board policies.